Subject: Re: identd/NetBSD 1.2
To: Michael Reeh <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/03/1997 11:33:07
	identd uses libkvm - have you recompiled identd with a -current
	(or current to your kernel) libkvm?

		David/abs	david@{,,}

System Manager: Southern Studios Ltd, PO Box 59, London N22 1AR.
Satisfied User: NetBSD, free Un*x {i386,sparc,mac68k,+more} ''.
  System Admin: MHM Internet, 14 Barley Mow Passage, Chiswick, London W4 4PH.
         SysOP: Monochrome, Largest UK Internet BBS - 'telnet'.

On Thu, 2 Jan 1997, Michael Reeh wrote:

> alright more on the identd crisis I am having..
> Im running a NFS #43 kernel, on a IIsi, NetBSD 1.2, 9mb ram, etc etc.
> You may have already seen my msg about having the prob with identd.. I
> changed the actual name of my kernel to /netbsd and tried several
> different methods of running /usr/libexec/identd including automatically
> from the pre-set settings in /etc/inetd.conf and a bunch of ways with the
> -b option, by hand..  i have really no luck at all with inetd.conf, other
> than it doenst give any errors and it seems to ACCEPT connections, but
> from there..?? anyways, when i run it by hand, i used to use a script to
> do it with the follow syntax:
> # /usr/libexec/identd -b -u0 -g150 -a206.251.155.25
> that always worked with 1.1, and NEVER gave me any trouble.. with 1.2 it
> just doesnt work.. the only thing i can think of is that i had a heavily
> modified /etc/group with 1.1 whereas its pretty stock with 1.2 and its not
> binding itself to the right UID/GID when its supposed to. can anyone give
> me some advice on HOW to run it from command line? here is my /etc/group:
> wheel:*:0:root,michaelr,psychos
> daemon:*:1:daemon
> kmem:*:2:root
> sys:*:3:root
> tty:*:4:root
> operator:*:5:root
> bin:*:7:
> news:*:8:
> wsrc:*:9:
> games:*:13:
> staff:*:20:root
> guest:*:31:root
> nobody:*:39:
> utmp:*:45:
> ingres:*:74:ingres
> dialer:*:117:
> nogroup:*:32766:
> elite:*:31337:
> qmail:*:2107
> nofiles:*:2108
> and here is the line as it looks, for ident, in /etc/inetd.conf:
> ident          stream  tcp     wait    nobody.kmem /usr/libexec/identd 
> identd -w -t60 -l -N
> (all one line, commented out for now)
> more diagnosis: what i have gotten it to do, is accept connections, and
> when i have it display all attempts via syslogd (-l -v options) it says
> attempt by whatever whatever and gives the two corresponding ports that
> its trying to find a user for.. but its obviously not sending a reply
> because both irc servers (many of them) and manual telnet's to port 113
> dont give me anything (however, i dont actually enter real port info when
> i telnet manually, because i dont happen to know them offhand)
> please, someone must be able to help me! thanks again,
> michael reeh