Subject: Re: Attempting to build a kernel...
To: Grady Drago <>
From: Paul Goyette <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/04/1997 10:26:55
On Fri, 3 Jan 1997, Grady Drago wrote:

> All,
> I'm trying to build a kernel from the current sys tree from 
> sys.tar.gz.
> I have followed the FAQ and I'v over come several other problems 
> (config out of date etc...), but I need a little help to wrap this up.
> Background:
> - I've ftp'ed the current sys.tar.gz from and installed 
> it in /usr/src so the path to my machine file 'ROVER' is:
> /usr/src/sys/arch/mac68k/conf/ROVER
> from there I ran:
> rover% config ROVER
> I was then reminded to run make depend so I did the following:
> rover% cd /usr/src/sys
> rover% make depend

Well, there's your first problem!  You don't want to `make depend' at the
top of the source tree, just in your kernel's build directory.  So,
assuming that you're still in the ..../conf directory, you should type:

  rover% cd ../compile/ROVER
  rover% make depend

(The ../compile/ROVER directory is automatically created by the config

Then, when `make depend' finishes, you can start building the kernel:

  rover% make