Subject: Re: Newer Power Manager driver for PowerBook series is released
To: None <>
From: Takashi Hamada <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/06/1997 17:52:46
Thanks for your message.

At 17:14 97.1.6, Benjamin Coburn wrote:
> This is great. My PB180 will now boot all the way down to "Root device:" 
> with an external moniter connected. I don't know about my trackball 
> (the kernel found it when it booted thought) but I can type just fine 
> into the builtin debugger. If you or anyone else has time to make a 
> kernel that includes the intvid code for PB1XX's I'll try booting it 
> as I can. Also, the name of the kernel that I was using was: 
> PMTEST.961214.120.ncr 

Wow! I didn't think that external monitor could work, at all.
That is more surpising for me, rather than my driver works on PB180...

OK. I've made a newer test kernel with Michael Zucca's internal video driver.
I've confirmed that it worked fine on PB180 with internal monitor.
Please try the following one:

> PS. I don't remember if this was sposed to work, but the backlight 
> dimmer still does not.

Now I'm working on adding support for backlight control to my PM driver.
Please wait for a while. 

 Takashi Hamada