Subject: Re: A new mailing list perhaps???
To: Scott Reynolds <>
From: Uncle John <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/07/1997 18:23:26
At 22:55 5/1/97, Scott Reynolds wrote:
>On Sun, 5 Jan 1997, Uncle John wrote:
>>...I think the porting stuff *needs* to be on the list.
>I'd disagree with this.  Porting to NetBSD is rarely Mac-specific.  There
>are other lists for that sort of thing.

--Actually, I really meant the porting of NetBSD to the mac68k platform -
including new kernels, problems with developing them, discussions on ways
to do things and so on. I find the (albeit limited) discussions that have
taken place on the list over the last year or so pretty interesting.

As for software porting problems....uh well, it makes no difference to me.
If you make a netbsd-software-compiling list, I'll sub to it anyway. But
really, if a subject line says "Help> compiling perl 4" and you're not
interested in compliing questions, then delete it without reading it.

What all of this requires is good subject lines. No 'blank' subject lines,
and a good description of what the mail is about (e.g. compiling problems,
kernel crash, installation query etc).

Just my 3 euros.



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