Subject: Re: Problem with installer and mkfs.
To: Steve Carlson <>
From: Stephen C. Brown <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/07/1997 15:15:06
>For the moment, I am placing a test version of the installer on my ISP
>account at the following location:
>        <>
>This is a hacked up version of the installer that just prints out the
>disklabel style details of your disks as it discerns them, then exits.
>Let me know what kind of results you get.

Hi, I made a glaringly large error in the test installer I put together
last night(I guess that will teach me not to code late at night :-( ).
I have placed a corrected copy in the same spot, so please do try it
and let me know how it goes.

Steve Brown,