Subject: Daemon Troubles
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Maurice Smiley <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/07/1997 18:05:18
Pardon this newbie question, but I'm hoping someone may have had this 
problem, or can identify what I'm doing wrong.  I have NetBSD 1.2 
installed on a MacIIci, 20m RAM, 1g HD, Farallon Ethernet, Internal 
video.  All the distribution packages except games12 and secr12 are 
installed.  I have not had any problems (nothing that I couldn't 
eventually figure out) installing the system.  However, now that it is 
up, telnetd and ftpd are not working (maybe other things as well, I don't 

Before the flames come in, I'm not talking about setting it up, adding 
users, etc. I have the ethernet card configured and I can ping, telnet, 
and ftp to other computers. . I can make all of the client stuff work.  
When I attempt to connect to the IIci, client computers (Mac and PC) time 
out.  There is absolutely no connection taking place of any kind.  The 
logs don't show any activity either.  However, I can telnet and ftp 
myself at the console, although this doesn't do me any good.

Almost forgot, other computers CAN ping the IIci.

Any thoughts?