Subject: Re: Probs with a Q840AV
To: Nigel Pearson <>
From: Michael G. Schabert <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/08/1997 17:21:15
>	As for a kernel that works, the first one I got to work reliably
>(i.e. before I started making my own) was:
>	Another, more recent one, which adds X-windows support for up to
>1MB of VRAM, is:

I'm still trying to figure out what you people mean by "which adds
X-windows support! I simply installed the 1.2 files (all of 'em) & then put
GENERIC-17 on top of that, then I downloaded X & it's run flawlessly ever
since. Am I the only one with a Q840AV that this has worked for? What is
"supposed" to be missing for X support on the GENERIC-17? Every time I've
booted up NetBSD/Mac68k, it's stated "forcing VRAM to a conservative 1024k"
or similar. All I had to do to run X was put my monitor in the VGA mode on
the Mac side (I'm running a Radius Intellicolor 20 on internal video).

I prefer to stick with standard released kernels rather than hacks written
by one person to solve one problem as you don't know what conflicts may
occurr with anything else. Of course, I'm the opposite way on the Mac side,
as I run 3rd party system extensions & CDeV's up the kazzoo ;-).

So can anyone shed light on why you think the standard kernels
(specifically GENERIC-17) don't support X?


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