Subject: Re: anybody got "ae0: ring buffer overrun"?
To: mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andrew P. Barney <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/09/1997 20:17:16
> Has anybody seen this, too?  Or am I the only one?

Nope,  I'm getting it too.  I'm running a Mac IIsi and have always seen
it.  I haven't had time to figure out what is causing it, but I also
notice that I'm getting a large number of Ierrs (from the netstat -i
command).  IPkts = 3711727 and Ierrs = 15185. Oddly enough, their are
zero Oerrs... ?

Suggestions and solutions always welcomed :)
Andrew P. Barney
Systems Manager        Advanced Combustion Engineering Research Center
President-elect       BYU Amateur Radio Club--W7OHR