Subject: Re: Updated docs...(again ;-)
To: Colin Wood <>
From: Christoph Ewering <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/10/1997 13:02:07
Hello Colin!

Thanks for your work.

> Alright, I've now gotten a preliminary machine-status page up:
> Anyway, if everyone can take a look at it and give me their comments and 
> criticism, I'd appreciate it.  I don't seem to have firm info on the 
> video (and ADB) status of many of the Quadras, so several of them are 
> still on the serial console list, despite the fact that I'm fairly sure 
> that they should be pushed up to the fully working (or partially working) 
> category.  If I've got any of the info wrong, or I'm missing machines 
> that someone has tested, please let me know.

I'm running G15 on my Quadra700 and X11 in b/w. Onboard Video works in 1
Bit mode.
So the Q700 should be in the partial or fully working table.

Don't know if the onboard ethernet works.

That's all, bye

Christoph Ewering
Husarenstrasse 48         Fon: 05254 12555
33104 Paderborn