Subject: DeskWriter (was Re: printer / modem)
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John Valdes <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/10/1997 13:14:20
Bill Studenmund writes:
> > 
> > On Wed, 8 Jan 1997, Aaron Namba wrote:
> > 
> > > > - How can I use the printer (connected to the serial modem port). A
> > > > DeskWriter by HP?
> The serial drivers are standard, and do quite well
> with my DeskWriter. 

I've been using my DeskWriter (original model) connected to the
printer port w/ gs.  For the most part, it works OK, except it
occasionally will print garbage characters.  I'm guessing that this
due to improper handshaking between the Mac (a IIcx) and the
DeskWriter.  Small files print fine; larger ones have this problem.

As a test, I converted the sample file that comes with gs to
PCL using gs, and send it to the printer using:

  prompt# ( stty 57600 raw -clocal cs8 -parenb -cstopb -echoctl \
           crtscts mdmbuf ; cat tiger.pcl ) < /dev/tty01 > /dev/tty01

but this prints garbage charaters every so often (I get similar
results when printing through lpr w/ a printcap 'ms' field of
'ms=raw,-clocal,cs8,-parenb,-echoctl,crtscts').  To test that the
problem wasn't with the PCL file, I transfered it over to the MacOS
side, and sent it to the printer using ZTerm, and it printed w/o a
single error.

Am I missing a flag in my tty settings, or do I need to check an
option in the Booter?  For reference, I'm running the NetBSD 1.2
distributed GENERIC kernel (actually, I'm now running Taras' NuBus
color GENERIC #7 kernel, but I have the same results with both). 

Any suggestions will be appreciated.


John Valdes                        Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics                               University of Chicago