Subject: Re: problems with kernel on Q630
To: Matt Ahrens <>
From: Mamoru Yamanishi <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/11/1997 17:50:38
Hi, Matt

> I am trying to get MacBSD working on my Quadra 630. I have it to the point
> where I run the Booter, it goes into "startup mode" where it lists the
> devices it finds, and then it hangs.

> i have tried several different kernels, including: generic_77, wormhole_68,
> and sbc_11.

Did you try "GENERIC-13" kernel?  It make my Quadra630 work.

Mamoru Yamanishi <>
+81-86-251-8196(voice), +81-86-253-7399(GIII fax)
Dept. Biotechnology, Okayama Univ.