Subject: Re: strange behavior in current kernels when booting in
To: None <>
From: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/11/1997 17:45:03
At 2:02 Uhr +0100 10.01.1997, Masami Nakata wrote:


>The only difference I can think of between booting in multi-user and
>single-user modes is that fsck may check filesystems "parallelly" when
>booting in multi-user mode, whereas it does not when invoked by hand.
>I have a Fujitsu M2964ES and a Quantum Fireball 1080 (both 1080M
>drives) at SCSI ID 0 and 1 respectively, and I have set up /etc/fstab
>in such a way that some partitions are fsck'ed simultaneously.
>Does this indicate some kind of race condition in (oh I forgot to
>mention which SCSI driver I'm using) the SBC driver?

I _think_ I've seen this before. If you configure fstab for concurrent
checks, make sure that the / fs is checked first and exclusively; I dimly
recall having read something in that direction. I.e., the / fs is tagged
with "1" in some fstab field, other fs'es then with "2", "3" etc.


"It's never straight up and down"     (DEVO)