Subject: Re: 040LC question
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Justin Smith <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/12/1997 08:59:53
Reply to message from Scott Reynolds
> On Fri, 10 Jan 1997, Justin Smith wrote:
> > I  agree. I'm trying something  similar with a  Performa 475 and can't
> > boot.  [...] But at the very end, the  screen went blank with a
> > tiny message at  the top saying that a  certain amount of  stack space
> > was reserved (I think), and it hung.
> Probably `[Preserving xxxxxx bytes of symbol table]', actually.  Which
> kernel are you using?


GENERIC-20, although the same thing happened with an earlier kernel.

Time blows wildly against my door       | Justin R. Smith
Stirring discarded sorrows      	| Department of Mathematics and
Like dead leaves of summers past        |     Computer Science
Memories of forgotten lore          	| Drexel University
Making way for new tomorrows         	| Philadelphia, PA 19104
New hopes, new fears,                   |
         and new ways that last         | Office: (215) 895-1847
c Justin R. Smith, March 14, 1994       | Fax:    (215) 895-1582

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