Subject: Re: serial port problems
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/12/1997 23:18:30
> I've been experimenting with getting a PPP connection running, but I've
> run up against a wall.  I have a GV Teleport Gold, which has been working
> fine.  Sometime yesterday, for no obvious reason, NetBSD decided it didn't
> want to talk to the serial ports anymore.  The utility "tip" tries for
> about 6-7 seconds, then reports "link dead".  The utility "cu" says it has
> a connection (to the device, that is, not to a remote site) but as soon as
> it tries to send a character it fails with an I/O error.

cu is not very nice for NetBSD. I think you need to (somehow) set clocal
to get it to work; I gave up on it & used tip when I needed to). Try
man remote for info on setting up tip. Here's what'sin my /etc/remote:

Also, there are two ppp kits on (the NetBSD/mac68k
house of fun). I slapped the first one together with files I got
from others, and Paul Goyette put up one which supports demand-dialed
ppp. Try them, as they are generally easier to set up than tip.

> I've tried the modem on both the modem and printer ports, and I've tried
> using the installer to rebuild the device files.  (The modem works fine on
> the mac side, BTW.)  It used to work just fine.... any ideas?  Any
> diagnostic tools that might be useful?  I'm out of ideas.

Off the top of my head, boot single user and fsck everything. I had
pppd start acting weird, and it was obscure file system damage. Oh,
use the -f flag for fsck to force it to check; the fs's were marked
clean, but weren't. :-(

Take care,
