Subject: Re: X Problems...on Quadra
To: Duncan McQueen <>
From: Christoph Ewering <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/13/1997 11:28:48
Hello Duncan!

> What X server did you use?  When I type startx the screen blanks and
> says
> something about a screen, but just kinda stays there and occassionally
> accesses the disk drive..
> Anyone else run into this problem?

Sorry, i wrote something wrong in my last mail.
I used the madhatter#35 kernel and the latest xserver (may or february
1996 i think)
X works only if you set the mac to b/w color and 640x480 resolution.
I've also used fvwm and xload.

But at the moment i'm not running NetBSD, because i'm waiting for a
newer disc.


P.S. The G11 and G15 worked on my Q700 but no x-support. Couldn't test
the newer G19 and G20 kernels yet. G16 and G17 didn't work on my Q700.

Christoph Ewering
Husarenstrasse 48         Fon: 05254 12555
33104 Paderborn