Subject: Re: anybody got "ae0: ring buffer overrun"?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ray McKinney <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/13/1997 11:36:15
ken wrote:

>The Ethernet card in the unaccelerated SE/30 is a Kinetics EtherPort
>SE/30 which is currently unsupported officially.  However, I've
>patched if_aereg.h and if_ae.c to get it to work.

since this was brought up......

The SE/30 I installed netbsd on already has a Farallon ethernet card (it is
not on the supported cards list, and I assume there is only one farallon
card for the se/30). I have tried to make it work, and I get confusing
results. Upon boot, about 10-20% of the time, the hardware address is
listed in the boot messages along with the type, something like "Farallon
SE/30 10bT, 32k mem." The rest of the time when I boot the hardware address
appears as 00:00:00:00:00:00, yet the type is still detected. But, even
when the hardware address is detected, I can't seem to detect the network
once logged in.

I am not a programmer, and know little of how to patch source. Just
wondering if anyone has gotten something similar to work.. It would save me
a bit of money, because it seems the SE/30 cards are quite expensive.


|If the end is right,      |    Ray McKinney                    |
|It justifies the beans!   |                  |
|-Baker's Wife             |  |