Subject: secr12
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kelvin Chu <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/17/1997 07:25:11
Hi all;

I have two (well...2.5) questions for the mailing list.

1.  Does the secr12 binary exist anywhere?  I've poked around on and and only found secr11.
    Followup: If the binary doesn't exist, I assume it can be built from source
    files.  Where can I get the source?

2.  Has anyone built Python (v1.4) successfully on a Mac running
    NetBSD?  My system: MacIIsi w/ FPU, 17 Meg RAM, running NetBSD1.2.

I appreciate any help you gurus can give.  Thanks very much.

Cheers. -k

  Kelvin Chu                                         Office: 1.505.665.1983
  P-21, MS-D454			                        Lab:          .6239
  Los Alamos National Lab	      	                FAX:          .4507
  Los Alamos, NM , 87545 U.S.A.