Subject: Re: find craziness
To: xiamin <>
From: Thomas Bjorn Andersen <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/19/1997 21:56:28
>heh when i do find / -name pine.* -print it exits immediatly and reports
>that there is No Match. find / -name pine -print works fine. when i uuuuse
>any sort off wild card it doesnt eeven click thee hard drive, it jst qits.
>stpied key between y and i doesnt work ;(

Yep, pine.* is expanded by the shell, and I guess there's nothing in pwd,
since you're trying to 'find' it. Use
find / -name "pine.*" -print


Thomas Bjorn Andersen -
Some people claim I give them hell. I don't. I just tell them the truth,
and they think it's hell.