Subject: more craziness
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: xiamin <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/19/1997 03:26:30
heres a problem with my terminal: i telnet to to get my email,
this sometimes makes my terminal smaller while im in telnet. then i go
back to tf, which was stopped, it then spews ovt everything that happened
on the mvd im logged into. after a while this starts printing on only the
last line of the screen, and from then on it only vses the last line of
the screen. is this becavse tf is sending alot fo text really fast? is
this something that i can prevent?? is this something i can ffix with ovt
rebooting? its really not too good cavse vsvally i have switched offf my
macos startvp drive, and it cavse no end of trovbles when i reboot.

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