Subject: Initial networking setup phase.
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Stewart King <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/20/1997 15:10:32
Hi.  Need some help.  I'm setting up NetBSD-mac68k (1.2) for the first
time on a slightly titchy MacIIvx.  I'm past the booting stage and the
read-only-filesystem fad, and now I'm trying to connect to the outside

We're dealing with an internal ethernet card.  The relevant line from the
booting screel:

ae0 at nubus0: address 2b:81:0d:34:0c:be, type Farallon EtherMac II-TP,
32k mem.

We're also dealing with the following errors:

starting network
duplicate IP address 7f000001 sent from ethernet addres 00:c0:7b:5f:a0:96
arp_rtrequest: bad gateway valuertinit: wrong ifa (0x6b2b780) was
host12: bad value
#: bad value

(host12 is what I'm trying to name the machine) and, when I try to telnet
to anything other than localhost, Host name lookup failure

or, if I put it in the hosts file,

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host

What I need, basically, is someone to explain what-all I should have in
all the configuration files to make the bloody DNS/ethernet/hostname thing
work. In general. Sort of a starting network primer.  I've looked at some
online documentation but nothing seems to explain what I want very
usefully.  If there's something great that I've missed, feel free to just
point me at that.

More background, if necessary: it's on an office network, and was called before when it was a Mac and I was running AIMS
&c. off it - it's basically an all-Mac network, so there's no Unix machine
I can copy off of or steal config ideas from or anything.  Or DNS for that
matter, but I don't really know what I'm doing anyway, which is the point
of doing it, to know afterwards.

I guess that wasn't very helpful.
