Subject: Re: Initial networking setup phase.
To: Colin Wood <>
From: Stewart King <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/20/1997 18:05:32
On Mon, 20 Jan 1997, Colin Wood wrote:

> This being the case, you probably need to add a line to you /etc/hosts 
> file like so
>	your-host.your-domain

Did this.

> And create a file of the format specified in /etc/netstart called 
> /etc/hostname.ae0 which contains a line like:
> inet your-host

Already had one of these, although I modified it a bit now, just says
"inet host12". The longish errors have gone away, but the thing is still
questioning my values.  On boot:

ifconfig: host12: bad value
host12: bad value
#: bad value

The only thing I can think of is that I've typed host12 where I should
have typed something quite different, but no idea where that might be.
And I still can't telnet to anywhere.  I'll keep poking at it, but further
suggestions are welcome.  Thank you all for even this much help, it's a
sad little machine but I love it so.
