Subject: X
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John S. <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/21/1997 15:26:51
Well I have X (xbase12 xcomp12 with the Xmacbsd.960512 server) running on 
my se/30, with only one problem and a couple of questions. (I have waded 
through the man pages, and searched the web for Xwindows tutorials before 
asking these :P )

The problem:
The xconsole apparently isnt working -i.e. when I drop a ppp connection 
to my isp, the text is displayed "over" the X windows rather than in the 
xconsole window.. I am unsure what I am doing wrong.

The questions:
1) How do I change the size of the font in the windows?
2) Where is xbiff? I saw it mentioned on a README in one of the macbsd X 
directories mentioned in an example .xinitrc file.. but it isnt in my 
X11R6/ directories..?
3) What applications, etc should I be trying to fully discover the 
wonders of Xwindows?

I cant afford another book right now, so If anyone has any good online 
tutorials, etc I would greatly appreciate the locations..
