Subject: Re: ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: Device not configured
To: None <>
From: Mamoru Yamanishi <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/22/1997 12:08:33
Hi Jason,

> Well I looked at the card and it says "DP83932BVF" on one of the chips, if
> that helps.  Can you tell me more about this?

Currently, I cannot advice other than you should better to buy other
ethernet cards.  Please try <>,
which tell you what card is usable.

Soon we will be able to have the driver that support "DP8393x", I hope.
I hear those project is running.

Mamoru Yamanishi <>
+81-86-251-8196(voice), +81-86-253-7399(GIII fax)
Dept. Biotechnology, Okayama Univ.