Subject: Re: mount floppy?
To: John Ostrowick <>
From: Christoph Ewering <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/24/1997 11:36:02
Hello John!

I think there isn't any floppy-support in the current distribution.
Mostly because no one try to write a driver for the floppy and if someone
will use the routines in ROM, it will destroy the multitasking of NetBSD.

But I think it is better to have floppy-support with bad multitasking,
because it is only a short time, when i read or write to a floppy, than
having no support at all.
Maybe the floppy-support with ROM-routines is inacceptable for a firewall
or a fileserver, but it doesn't matter if i use the NetBSD as a standalone

If i were able to do that, i would try to do that work.

> if thisis a faq i don't mind being referred to a faq page but this is what
> i did:
> formatted msdos on my mac
> mkdir floppy
> mount -t msdos /dev/fd ./floppy/
> error: not supported  or something to that effect.
> also, how to cause the mac to eject the disk w/o using a paperclip?
> is it possible to mount a mac format disk?
> also nb: will the mac REALLY mount an amiga dos disk? my brother often
> comes to surf and i'd like to force him to use the se/30. he has an amiga.


Christoph Ewering
Husarenstrasse 48         Fon: 05254 12555
33104 Paderborn