Subject: Booting troubles solved too
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Olivier Boudry <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/28/1997 01:17:16

I had problems trying to have NetBSD run on my Q650. I just discovered that
my hard drive (Conner CP30175E - 170Mb) doesn't works with NetBSD. Today, I
tried to install NetBSD on a Zip disk, and now it works fine (not a lot of
space, but I know it can run on my Mac).
I had already noticed some troubles when using mkfs (1.3 and 1.4, not with
the one included in the 1.2 package) on my Conner drive. I could only see
the first partition. But first I thought it was a bug in mkfs. I don't know
what's wrong with this hard drive, but I think you can add it to your list
of non-working drives.

Now, one more question: my Zip drive is number 5 in my scsi bus. And for
the NetBSD file system, root is /dev/sd2a and swap is /dev/sd2b. I don't
know why, but in the /etc/fstab the root is written as /dev/sd0a and swap
as /dev/sd0b.
I always my filesystem mounted as read-only, and when I try to modify it
with the "mount -u /" command (as written in the faq), I get the following
ufs: /dev/sd0a on /:
specified device does not match mounted device.
And as I am in read-only mode, I cannot edit the fstab file. What do I have
to do to have sd2a mount as root filesystem? Is it possible to mount the
devices manually?

