Subject: Re: db
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: David Bushong <dbushong@cory.EECS.Berkeley.EDU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/29/1997 19:25:05
On Wed, 29 Jan 1997, Bill Studenmund wrote:

> > 
> > i got this a general qvestion abovt db. when i get into it for whatever
> > reason, is there a way to kill the process that cavsed the problem? i dont
> > reallyt know enogh tovse trace and the like effectivly and the only way i
> > can get ovt of db is hard restart...
> The problem is that when you get dropped into the debugger, it's the
> kernel which is given up. There's no "process" to kill; the whole
> computer's given up the ghost.

OK, then here's a question.  Let's say you have some process (like a
screwed up xdm) that prevents you from logging in and killing it.  Your
modem is hung up, you forgot to run a getty off the serial port, so
there's no way back into your computer.  Is there any way to kill a
particular process (you can certainly list them!) from the db> ?

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     _/   _/ _/   _/ _/   _/  David P. Bushong -- (510) 845-3271         _/
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