Subject: Re: Booting MacBSD problem
To: Michael Robinson <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/31/1997 18:53:55
> Bill Studenmund ( writes:
> >Hmm. Here's something which should probably be put on the "what to do"
> >list. If the last message is about the PRAM time, MacOS boottime &
> >such, then you probably forgot to build devices (or did a re-install
> >after having built them). You can do it in the installer.
> Umm..yea, I did a reinstall after having built devices. How did you know?
> Are you a mind reader? :-)  I guess this is not a good thing to do. hmmm...

As I said, I've done it too. :-)

Actually, not having devices is enough to crash the system as
you described. Just build devices could well fix it w/o having to

Take care,
