Subject: Re: IIcx boot ? No !
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/03/1997 12:21:50
> > Hi everybody,
> > 
> > I hope one of yyou has the answer to this..
> > 
> > When I boot macbsd on my mac IIcx, I get as far as 
> > fpu on....
> > 
> > nubus0 on mainbus0
> > 
> > just before it switched to the root partition.
> > 
> > netbsd 1.2, stardard greneric kernal,mac II workstation vidio card,
> I've never heard of this video card.
It's not on the FAQ list either. It's for a 21" grayscale apple monitor.
I can run it in 1 or 2 bit mode.
Strange thing is this problem appears to be
video non-related, as it crashes at the same place when I boot from a 
serial console.

> > system 7.1 ethernet card. booter 1.9.4
> Also, what kind of Ethernet card do you have?  
Not sure, I'll check when I get home.
I think Colin (or Brad
> Salai, maybe) once told me that he had to switch the order of the
> cards in the NuBus slots.  Can you try that?

I haven't tried switching the position, but I have tried taking the ethernet
card out of the machine altogether... That  ought to have fixed any conflicts,
but,  Still the same crash.
> Ken

the anoying thing is I've got it to boot about 6 times in 60 ish atempts,
and I can't find any connection between the tinmes I managed to get it
to boot, and the times I don't.

Re instaling from scratch was my favourite passtime last week, and I've tried
several other generic kernals (#9, #16, #21, #22 etc...) but they 
don't seem to fix the problem. Sometimes they start, more often they don't, 
and they all hang at the same line.

If I do get it to boot, do shutdown -h now, restart the computer, and 
launch straight into bsd, I won't boot this time round.

Am I just unlucky?

	Thanks for the reply though, It's good to know you're not alone on
the planet!
