Subject: Re: hard drive partition problems
To: Duncan McQueen <>
From: Scott Ellis <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/04/1997 14:45:19
Duncan McQueen writes:
> Actually isn't Apache free overall??  I've been running Apache 1.2b6 on an
> SE/30 with OpenBSD 1.2 (Same for NetBSD when I used it before).  It
> compiled nicely and is easy to use (It even beats out in speed our SGI
> running Netscape Communications, but that might be because the SGI has 20
> concurrent web wervers running on it)..

Yes, Apache is completely free, regardless of use, and it has compiled and
run on NetBSD since the dark ages.  ./configure && make

  //    Scott Ellis     //   //   //
// WARNING: This signature warps  time and space in its vicinity    //