Subject: Re: Performa 475(w/ 68040 processor & FPU)
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Takashi Hamada <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/05/1997 12:50:57
At 10:51 97.2.5, Bill Studenmund wrote:
> Try setting the video mode to 8-bit or less. The kernel can't
> support 16- or 32-bit video. (Also, even though the kernel can
> support 4- and 8-bit color, and has for a while, that doesn't
> mean dt or X support it, nor that the kernel supports color in
> 8-bit mode. You get only b&w, but you get it even if the video's
> at 8-bit).
> > Due to the lack of ADB support for Performa 475, and lack of 68040
> > support, NetBSD crashes when booting. It doesn't even get to the white
> > screen.
> I thought the only problem we had was with LC040's, and that 040's were
> fine. I'm not at all sure about the I/O (like SCSI) in it, though.
I succeeded in booting on my LC475 with a kernel which is compiled from
the kernel source code pulled down January 25th, 1997. I made no changes
to the kernel source code. My LC475 has a 68LC040 MPU, 20MB of RAM,
512KB of VRAM and a MacCon LC ethernet card.
The kernel succeeds in booting in 8bit color mode, but fails in B/W mode.
But, one strange thing is that a screen is slided to right side...
(I guess it fails in remapping the VRAM frame buffer.)
MRG-based ADB driver works fine. And it still has FPE bugs.
Oh, one more strange thing is that ae0 driver frequently dumps 'timeout'.
I wonder it sometimes succeeds in sending a packet to the other machines.
I suppose that it is caused by a specific problem of 030 PDS or a problem
of interrupt handler for 040 machines. Right?
Takashi Hamada