Subject: Re: Mac II, NetBSD 1.2, trouble starting X
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/10/1997 12:55:39
>> Hi, I just installed NetBSD yesterday on my Mac II, it runs fine, I
>> downloaded X11R6, put that on with the installer, logged in as root, added
>> /usr/X11R6/bin/ to my path environment variable, tried to startx and got
>> this error:
>> /usr/libexec/ xinit: No such file or directory
>> What am I doing wrong?
>As mentioned in the FAQ, you're forgetting to do a ldconfig /usr/X11R6/lib,
>in /etc/rc.local for instance. :-)
>> And a few other questions:
>> I want to set up this Mac II for X software development... what else (if
>> anything) do I need?
>If you got the comp kit (has the compiler, linker, assembler, and more),
>I think all you need are the X include files. Assuming you just want
>to make clients. If you want to hack on X, well you'll need the X source too.
>> The Mac II has an Asante NuBus ethernet card, I have a Quadra 630 without
>> ethernet that I will keep running the MacOS on and which I use to connect
>> to the internet via modem PPP. If I get a commslot ethernet card, could I
>> set up X-sessions from the Mac II to the Quadra 630, or do I need more
>> hardware? Internet connectivity for NetBSD isn't essential, but would be a
>> nice bonus. How about LocalTalk? Any support for that in NetBSD (I doubt
>> it)? How about just setting up a text terminal via serial ports, that'll
>> work in a pinch, eh?
>If you put a commslot ether card in the Q 630, you should be able to talk to
>the II. If you ran the right software on the Q 630, you could get forwarding
>going between the ether and PPP. As NetBSD doesn't support commslot ether
>cards yet, NetBSD isn't "the right software." NetBSD would do it from
>the MacII, but then your net connection would be via the II (kinda slow).
>Text telnet or ppp via serial ports will work now. LocalTalk isn't here
>yet, but I hope to get it in the next 6 months or less. :-)
>> What is the best way to get tar.gz files that I've downloaded on my Q630 to
>> NetBSD on my Mac II?
>Either get an ether connection up, or ppp. Then use fetch/ftp. :-)
>Take care,
I did the LD Config thing and it still gave me that line! I added every
possible path to any X related file and it still gives me that! I am
booting from a zip drive, but the kernel works great except when I try to
delete some characters I typed. I get ^? instead of the charcter being
deleted. Is this a kernal problem or a terminal emulation problem? I am
using a Quadra 660av 24/230/CD.