Subject: Re:Re: Moving FORWARD...but still not up (Q610)
To: None <>
From: Macintosh Guru (Greg Evans) <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/12/1997 09:34:29 wrote:
> > First I would like to thank Erik Bertelsen for poviding me with the
> > Kernel and /sbin/init.
> >
> > The kernel and /sbin/init didn't worrk (odd I know),
> > [...] I now get [...]
> >
> > Feb 11 19:30:21 init: can't exec /bin/sh for single user: No child
> > processes.
> This really sounds like the tar files that you installed from were
> corrupted somehow--like maybe they'd been unzipped with MacGzip in
> "convert NL->CR" mode or something.  That would really hose the
> executables, but tar probably wouldn't notice (the file lengths
> would be the same and it doesn't do a checksum).  I recommend
> re-downloading and re-installing.  If you do that, you might as
> well pick up the latest snapshot instead of 1.2...  :-)
> -allen
> --
>               Allen Briggs - end killing -

Allen, Erik, Colin, Steve and anyone else I have forgotten.

Indeed, I *do* believe that the files I DL'ed somehow got corrupted, as
I re-downloaded the binaries last evening and re-started from scratch. 
I used the Generic-22 Kernel and have now succesfully managed to boot
into both single and multi-user mode.

It recognizes both my Apple Adjustable Keyboard and my Microspeed
3-button mouse without error.  Amazing.......I am sure that I will have
more questions soon (probably later today <g>) but until then, thank you
all very much.

Greg Evans