Subject: Re: How to build ps
To: Colin Wood <>
From: Steven Sartorius <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/16/1997 02:10:52
>> I built a custom kernal today from sources current as of 2/14.  Not 
>> surprisingly, ps (and w) complained when I ran them under the new kernal. 
>>  So I went back to and grabbed what (I thought) were the 
>> current sources for ps (in /pub/NetBSD-current/src/bin -- I think).  The 
>> new ps built without a problem but still wouldn't run.  Any ideas what 
>> I'm doing wrong?  Does it matter what options I've built the kernal 
>> with??  Any help would be appreciated.
>What kind of message do they give when they "don't run"?

ps: proc size mismatch (13040 total, 648 chunks)

>One possible fix is that these binaries are dynamically linked against 
>libkvm (although I thought that they weren't) in which case you need to 
>build a new libkvm as well.

I rebuilt libkvm from sources current as of 2/8.  No luck, I still get 
the above message.
