Subject: Re: compiling xhfs
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian Andresen <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/17/1997 17:07:20
A quick summary --

Thanks to Brad, Dan, and Henry for all providing the correct answer:

> >TCLLIBS =       -L/usr/local/lib -ltcl7.6 -lm -ldl
> >TKLIBS =        -L/usr/local/lib -ltk4.2
> Change these to read:
> >TCLLIBS =       -L/usr/local/lib -ltcl76 -lm -ldl
> >TKLIBS =        -L/usr/local/lib -ltk42

I'm off and running!

For what it's worth, if other people are also trying to do this
compilation, the other changes I had to make were: a) define -DNODEVLOCKS
as suggested in the readme, b) remove "-ldl" from the TCLLIBS, and c)
correct the path to where my Xlib.h was.

Thanks for the advice.
