Subject: Re: Un-removable file?
From: T. Sean (Theo) Schulze <71410.25@CompuServe.COM>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/21/1997 02:41:00
Thanks to Bill Studenmund, Henry B. Hotz and Dan Bell for your
suggestions on removing this file. I cd'd to /, gave the command "rm
Unix\\", and the file was gone.
That leaves me with a question on the format of the cpin (and by
extension, cpout) commands in the Minishell. Bill said I could use
quotes, but I am not sure where he meant. If I want to copy a file
(myfile) into my home directory /usr/tschulze from my Mac hard drive
(Operations), is the proper command, "cpin Operations:myfile
/usr/tschulze/myfile"? I am figuring this is the correct format, because
in my erroneous cpin command I started the ufs_filepath with "Unix\" and
ended up with a file in my root directory "/" named "Unix\", the cpin
command understanding the space between the \ and Box as the end of the
filename. Right?
T. Sean (Theo) Schulze
Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but
his judgement; and he betrays, instead of serving you, if
he sacrifices it to your opinion. -- Edmund Burke