Subject: Re: unable to set root passwd
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/25/1997 10:56:15
> This is probably another of my difficult
> "How the hell can you fix this!" problems, still here goes
> I can't seem to chage the master.passwd file using the system calls.
> but I can edit the master.passwd file directly.
DON'T DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Problem this meens that I can't set any passwdord on my system, or add a user
> using vipw.
> I can vipw, and after editing :w writes the /etc/ptmp file, but on :q it
> asks me if I want to edit the passwd file again,
> If i say no, it responds with the message:
> vipw: /etc/master.passwd unchanged
What happens if you do a :wq (not that that will make much differnce)?
> same when I type passwd and enter a passwd twice, it exits with
> passwd: /etc/master.passwd unchanged.
> Any Ideas?
All I can guess is that somehow your master.passwd has gotten corrupted.
Maybe get a new copy out of etc12. Also, there are _db files which contain
the actual, hashed entries. Try deleting them (in single user, w/r mode),
and then doing a vipw.
> I also get more trying to more a directory file which looks WIERD!
> It prints a whole lot of control characters instead of saying
> more: foobar is a directory , or similar.
> I suspected a corrupted filesystem, but fsck didn't mpick anything up when
> I ran fsck -a -t.
NetBSD does that. It's kinda annoying, but the i386 & mac68k's I use
all do it.
Take care,