Subject: Re: reminder: xsetup url
To: Andrew Foakes <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/01/1997 17:21:33
> >i noticed a lot of discussion of x setup stuff.
> >
> >try this:
> >
> >
> except that it says that an alternative to ldconfig is to set up 
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH and this doesn't seem to work.  Has just setting 
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH worked for anyone?
> The rest is useful, so thanks for that.

I believe that the reason why the LD_LIBRARY_PATH doesn't work is that 
one of the shells that is started during the X startup process apparently 
doesn't manage to inherit this value.  If you add the appropriate line to 
both you .profile and your .cshrc file, I believe it will probably work.


Colin Wood                            
Consultant                                        Rice University
Information Technology Services                       Houston, TX