Subject: Re: same uid
To: xiamin <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/02/1997 18:18:16
> >Either user1 and user2 have the same uid (bad)
> hmmm on my system root and toor have the same uid...or so the daily
> outputs this a problem? i never use toor as a login...
Dang. I've been caught.
I think root and toor are fine. In fact, most all of the systems I
administer also have a croot account. croot has /bin/tcsh for a
root and toor (and croot for me) only differ in specified shell. Other
than that, they are supposed to be the same user.
Having two users w/ the same uid who are supposed to be different is
Take care,