Subject: Read-only File System?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Sean McDowell <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/07/1997 13:25:52
Ok, I downloaded NetBSD onto my Performa 600 and have been trying to
configure it for two days. I'm no UNIX Admin, but I'm going to learn very
quickly. But here is my current problem. I can enter in single-user mode
and everything seems to be where it is supposed to be. But when I try to
run vi, ex or a multitude of other programs, it keeps saying that this is a
Read-Only File System. Am I missing something big configuration-wise?
This happens with Booter 1.9.4 and NetBSD 1.1 or 1.2. I've got it set up
with a Root/Usr partition of 80000K and a Swap partition of 40000K (I have
20 MB physical RAM). TIA
|"McDowell Taxidermy, you hunt 'um, we stuff 'um."=81 |
|-Jason Verney, my personal answering machine/secretary. |
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