Subject: status of interrupt handlers?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steven Campbell <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/08/1997 14:20:49
Hi. Sorry to be overpopulating the port-mac68k mailing list, but here
goes. i have a few questions that need to be asked.
When I had a Quadra 650, and I added a Asante NuBus MacCon-i ethernet card
to it, the machine could use and config the ethernet card, but transfers
were slow, and timing problems were evident. I was told that there were
interrupt handling problems on all 040 based Macs. Is this still the case?
And is there someone who is working on SONIC support? I have the docs on
SONIC from National Semiconductor, and I know the addresses of where
SONIC's internal registers are in the Macintosh memory map on every Mac
that has a logic board SONIC eth. controller, I just don't know how to
write a UNIX driver for an ethernet card. Just wondering if I could help
somebody. I seem to be good at finding information, I'm just not a