Subject: Benchmarks!
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Benoit MARTEL <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/19/1997 12:26:56
I have received the first few results of running the BYTE UNIX Benchmarks 
on NetBSD-mac68k and I have written the first scripts to generate a 
simple web page for them. The main page is at:

It contains instructions on how to run the benchmarks if you want to 
participate in the survey and a link to the actuall results obtained 
so far.

Input would be particularly appreciated from people out there with 
machines we have no results for (but others are also welcome for better 
sampling). I haven't heard from any IIx, IIcx, IIci for example. The 
tests are designed to take about an hour regardless of the speed of the 
machine so it doesn't matter if your machine is slow or fast.

It would be nice to have one benchmark entry for each supported machine.

Once again, any comments/suggestions are welcome.

"Because user errors often produce unpredictable results, the user
should try to avoid them."

IBM MVS/XA System Programming Library.