Subject: Re: 68lc040
To: Bernd Ebach <Bernd.Ebach@Student.Uni-Ulm.De>
From: Nicholas Coult <Nicholas.Coult@Colorado.EDU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/19/1997 12:39:28
On Wed, 19 Mar 1997, Bernd Ebach wrote:

> At 20:19 Uhr +0100 19.03.1997, Brian Pacula wrote:
> >What I wanted to know is if support for the LC chip will
> >ever be added to the X Window distribution, or if there's
> >any way for the chip to be replaced or upgraded.
> Sure, you can plug in a full featured 68040 but I think
> it costs still more than $200. And that sucks for a CPU
> _that_ slow compared to stat-of-the-art RISC Processors.
> TschauTschau
> 		Bernd

I got my 68040 off of usenet for $30.  I've never seen them advertised
for more than $150, and if you shop around you can certainly get one
for around $50-70.

------------------------------ Nicholas Coult ---------------------------------
Department of Applied Math | Nicholas.Coult@Colorado.Edu |(303) 492-4543(voice)
University of Colorado     |        WWW Home Page        |(303) 492-4066 (fax)
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