Subject: Re: Where do I get a working ps(1) for my "snapshot" kernel?
To: None <>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/25/1997 22:01:03
On Sun, 23 Mar 1997 wrote:

>   Would it not make a lot of sense to include the corrsesponding
> libkvm, ps(1), and other assorted cruft in the tar file? 

No; if you are running a -current kernel, you should run a matching binary
set.  Binary compatibility with older releases is intended to be used for
user applications, not system software.

>   Meanwhile, where do I get them? 

In the .../arch/mac68k/latest/ directory you got the kernel from, there's
also a binary directory.  You'll want to grab at least the base file set
and install that. :-)  (Actually, I'd strongly recommend getting the comp
set as well, if you intend to build your own kernels.)
