Subject: First install
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Albert Carter <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/27/1997 22:37:37
Hey there all,

Ok, I'm really new to this and I'm going to ask a few questions just to get
a little more clarification on the INSTALL directions and some that aren't
there so I can get everything up and running smoothly.

1) On the INSTALL directions it doesn't say that you need to install all
the source files.  Do you or is this unnecessary?  If its not necessary
what added benefits come from installing these?

2) Does the security files need to be installed?  I plan on setting up a
web server/ftp server and possible have the ability for others to log into
my computer via telnet as well sometime in the future.

3) How do I find out how to set up a PPP connections I haven't seen any
help files on this, or are they all contained in the manuals once I have
unix up and running?

4) What are the limitations of NetBSD 1.2 on a Mac IIsi?

5) This one I'm really not sure belongs here but I figure I'll take a stab
at it.  I plan on getting X installed.  I've been looking around and on they have a new color X for NetBSD on the macintosh.  Has anyone
used this?  The X version I'm referring to is the X11R6.  I'm also
wondering if this is out there why it is does the version of X that comes
with NetBSD only have greyscale capabilities, if not is there any benefits
or detrimites to using the one that is on the macbsd site?

Thanks in advance,