Subject: Re: -current config?
To: Dinsdale Piranha <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/29/1997 16:08:04
> I just downloaded -current kernel source last night, untarred it, and have
> attempted to run "config" in the appropriate place. I get a bunch of errors
> about it trying to read files that are apparently include'd(?) with improper
> pathnames or something, and it stops. I'd read something about the
> importance of having a version of "config" that matches the version of your
> kernel source (the "config" I'm using is the one that came with my 1.2
> distribution, and works fine for configuring old 1.2 kernel source). So, my
> question is: is there a version of "config" I should be using to set up
> -current source? And if so, where might I find it?
I think that Scott's latest snapshot should be recent enough to compile
-current sources. Get base.tar.gz (or whatever it is) from:
and go ahead and unarchive /usr/sbin/config and probably /usr/bin/make as
I hope this helps.
Colin Wood
Consultant Rice University
Information Technology Services Houston, TX