Subject: Re: Color X of IIsi
To: None <>
From: Masami and Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/30/1997 23:27:51
On Fri, 28 Mar 1997 20:00:28 -0500 (EST),
Albert Carter <> wrote:
> Ok in that case I have a couple more questions. 1) What are the benefits
> if any running monochrome X? 2) Is there any support for at least
> greyscale X? 3) How much would an 8-bit Nubus/PDS video card cost?
1) B&W runs _faster_ than 8-bit pseudocolor/greyscale.
2) No, greyscale would need basically the same functionality in the
kernel as the color.
3) It depends. NOTE: Some seem to work with Taras' color grf driver,
but others don't. I don't remember writing "any QuickDraw compatible
card should work" in the colorkit's README file, but if it says so,
it's not a correct statement.