Subject: zip problem - still need help
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Erich Rast <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/08/1997 20:01:35
Thanks for your answers!

I just forgot to say that I *have* 10megs of swap space on the root
partition - ok, not much, but should be enough to compile 200 lines of
code!!!!??? Also the gunzip problem is a bit more weird: it *sometimes*
unpacks a file, but most of the time it does not unpack the very same file.
Also, when I do tar -xf foo.tar and foo.tar is big enough, it sometimes
forgets whole files, another time unpacks everything well. (No, I didn't
download the files in binary mode...)

I'm now quite sure that this problem must have something to do with my zip
drive (works well on the Mac). As it never messes up any binaries when
executing them from the zip, read access should be ok. I've formatted the
zip with APS2.7.3 and the following in MKF:

        Sector          512
        Sectors/Track   40
        Tracks/Cylinder 512
        Numbers/Cyl     2046
        FileSys/Size    145230

I originally used it as root slice 0 and then mounted it on my hard disk,
which now is root. BTW, on boot it says could not mode sense (4) blabla,
using fictitious geometry - what does that mean?

Can anyone tell me what's going wrong?


>>I'm another new NetBSD user. I've installed NetBSD1.2 current on a Mac
>>IIci 5meg with
>>40meg hd and mounting a 100meg zip while booting (i had to force fstab
>>manually to get it mounted). Everything works well exept gcc, it crashes
>>most of the time complaining:
>> cc1 got fatal signal 4
>>or signal 11. It doesn't even work on small programms like tinyirc (it
>>did work dt) I've linked the include dir to the zip drive and gcc, cc1
>>etc to / from the zip. Is this the reason?
>how much swap space do you have? if you have none, that 5 meg memory
>blockage is a pretty big set back in accomplishing anything, especially
>compiling. :\