Subject: Re: Mkfs 1.4 didn't work
To: Rick Hawkins <>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/13/1997 18:45:49
>I just found 1.4 a couple of days ago, and have had absolutely no luck with
>it at all. I've made partitions both with the old 3.01 a/ux, and with the
>hd sc from 7.5 on hard disks. I've used zip installed and hdsc installed
>partions on zips. I've reinitialized hard disks. I've used both aux and
>mac partitions. In each and every case, 1.4 has been unable to see anything
>but the driver partitions. With the older mkfs in the 1.2 distribution, i
>can put partitions on all ofthese (though the zips have other problems).
Strange. I tested mkfs 1.4 with a ZIP drive, an old Apple 160Meg drive,
and my NEC 1.6Gig drive. Also used Apple, APS, Transoft, SuperSpot,
RealTech and the old 3.01 a/ux disk formatters while testing. That's how
I found the off-by-one error in the Partition Map. If you'd like to
e-mail me privately with a description of what you're seeing maybe we can
figure things out and get it fixed.