Subject: Getting files from MacOS to MacBSD partitions
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jeffrey E. Benedict <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/13/1997 19:26:05
Well, I've given up and decided to humble myself before the MacBSD gods.....
I need to get files onto my MacBSD partitions... I only have the one box,
so I can't set up a serial connection and move them that way... What I
want to do is to copy the ppp config. files onto my MacBSD partitions so I
can use 'em... Once I've gotten ppp running, I can ftp, etc. to my hearts
I've read everything and fumbled around with a few things. I've
concentrated on the Installer using the Mini-shell but tried about a dozen
combos of mount points, disk IDs, directories, etc. and still haven't
figured out how to copy the files.
So.... Could someone give me a little help? thank you very much!
Jeff Benedict - --- "Me? Whee!" - Muhammad Ali