Subject: Re: Ethernet for 630 series Macs?
To: William O Ferry <WOFerry+@CMU.EDU>
From: Kelly Campbell <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/15/1997 16:43:28
>     Now that my machine has been up and stable with the GENERIC-26
> kernel, I was wondering if there is any support for any ethernet
> products on these machines.  For better or worse, I have an Apple
> Communications Slot Ethernet card.  Is this by any chance supported, or
> is anybody working on a driver for such a card?  Can I help?  Are any
> other cards supported?  Anybody wanna trade???  =)

I've got a Dayna E/CS on my performa 630, so I'm sorta in the same boat.
According to their tech specs on their web site, it uses a SONIC chip, so
that driver should mostly work with a bit a massaging. The thing I can't
find out about so far is the comm slot interface. I looked through Apple's
Developer Notes and didn't see the comm slot itself mentioned. I basically
just looked through the headings though as I didn't have time. I plan to
study it some more later tonight. 

Does anyone know of any documentation on the comm slot that would be
accessable? I still have the LC040 problem, so I won't be able to work on
the ethernet quite yet.
